Complete the census before September 30!

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This is your friendly neighborhood reminder to complete the census!

The September 30th deadline to complete the census is right around the corner and Minneapolis still has several neighborhoods with census tracts that are severely undercounted. When our communities aren't counted in the census, their presence isn't reflected when it comes to political representation or federal resources that are allocated to meet community needs. An accurate count of everyone ensures that we all receive the programs and services that help us reach our full potential. Census tracts in the following neighborhoods currently have a self-response rate below 50%:

  • Jordan

  • Hawthorne

  • Como

  • U of M

  • Prospect Park

  • Elliot Park

  • East Phillips

  • Whittier

  • Cedar Riverside

  • Ventura

What's at stake?

The Census count determines resources and representation. The Minnesota State demographer estimates for every person counted, we receive approximately $2,800 in federal funding. That's nearly $28,000 over a ten year period.

Data from the census is used to determine funding for our transportation, education, healthcare and many programs and services that our communities rely on. Ensure we receive our fair share of resources, complete the 2020 Census. We deserve to be counted.

Only 19 days left!

After September 30, 2020-you will no longer be able to be counted in the 2020 Census. The census deadline has recently been changed to September 30, 2020. 

Complete the census in the safety of your own home:

  • Online

  • By phone: 1-844-330-2020 (assistance in 12 non-English languages is available)


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City of Minneapolis – Ward 6 Special Election Voter Guide