Statement regarding the murder of George Floyd

Art by @shirien.creates

Stevens Square Community Organization is outraged by the senseless murder of George Floyd, grieves for his family, and condemns this act of violence by the Minneapolis Police Department.  SSCO calls for justice for George Floyd and the entire Black community.

We commit ourselves to the work of ending all forms of injustice and ask you to join us. Engaging with the community and elevating the voices of our residents is at the core of SSCO’s work. We have created a gathering place for your thoughts, concerns, and ideas for building equity and celebrating diversity throughout our community.

How should Stevens Square amplify our voice to raise awareness in the fight against racial inequality? 

Please submit your contribution to this movement in the comment section below. Your comments will be shared with members of the Minneapolis City Council and the candidates running for the open seat representing the 6th ward. Your contributions will also be used to help restructure our Red Hot Art events and continued community planning. You may also submit your comments anonymously.


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