Special Election Voter Guide


A special election has been called to fill a vacancy in the Minneapolis City Council – Ward 6 seat, which includes parts of our Stevens Square neighborhood. The special election will be conducted Tuesday, August 11, in conjunction with the State Primary. Stevens Square Community Organization will be creating a questionnaire for the 12 candidates running to represent Ward 6 and will compile their responses in a comprehensive voter guide that we will share with neighbors in July. Please email director@stevenssquare.org by July 1st with questions and prompts you have for the candidates.

SSCO is a non-partisan organization and will not endorse or support any candidate running in this election. Participation in the voter guide has been requested from all 12 registered candidates running to represent the 6th Ward. All answers will be compiled as they are received, no editing of any kind will occur. Each candidate has the exact same access to participation.


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Statement regarding the murder of George Floyd