Public Notice and Request for Feedback

July 13, 2020

Public Notice and Request for Feedback: Plan modification to Stevens Square Community Organization (SSCO) Phase I neighborhood action plan.

Factors of consideration:

  1. The SSCO Rental Rehab Program is dormant, and the need for such a service no longer exists given that the neighborhood property owners have other avenues to locate financing for improvements to their properties. 

  2. In order to continue financial support our neighborhood organization's current programs, including safety, engagement, Red Hot Art events, and our office overhead (rent, phone, communications, and ed position), a reallocation of the Rental Rehab Program is an essential and better use of these remaining Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) funds.

  3. The executive committee of the SSCO Board of Directors recommends the modification of moving our NRP phase I funding of $90,912.73 from the Rental Rehab Program, and $79.58 interest from the Program Income fund over to the Organizational Infrastructure of our NRP phase II plan. 

Suggested plan modification:

  1. Reallocate Phase I Rental Rehab Program funding of $90,912.73 to Organizational Infrastructure.

  2. Reallocate Program Income of $79.58 (interest collected from previous projects which needs to be allocated to be accessible) to Organizational Infrastructure.

Feedback requested:

I am in favor of the plan modification to continue the current programming of SSCO:  YES  NO


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