Public comment open: Transportation Policy Plan


Get involved, comment on the region's transportation policy plan

The region’s transportation plan comes together by collaborating with counties, cities and townships to create a vision for a shared transportation system. The Met Council builds these partnerships to help make a stronger system possible, serving people and connecting to places across the region. Their job is to listen to their partners and the people who live in the region to hear what they want in a transportation system. They then translate a shared vision for our region’s transportation system into investment plans and decisions that help build and maintain that system.


Comment period open until Aug. 10

The Met Council is ready to hear from you. They are receiving public comment on the draft update to the 2040 Transportation Policy Plan until 5 p.m., Friday, August 10.

To comment:

  • Fill out this online form

  • Email

  • Record a comment on the Public Comment Line at 651.602.1500 (TTY 651.291.0904)

  • Write to Metropolitan Council, Public Information at 390 Robert St. N., St. Paul, MN 55101

  • Check Facebook and Twitter for questions about the transportation system’s future

Public meeting

Talk with them about transportation policy in our region at their online Transportation Committee on Monday, July 27 at 4 p.m.


More information

Learn more online about the Draft 2020 Update to the 2040 Transportation Policy Plan.


Public Notice and Request for Feedback


Franklin West Reconstruction