Calling all photographers – from the beginner cell phone camera only individuals to professional photographers! Show us what makes our neighborhood so amazing. This is a virtual experience that anyone can participate in. We're asking you to take pictures of things you love in our community – it could be a building, a person, a shop, a sunset through a tree. Whatever makes your heart sing! Even people who have lived in the neighborhood for years haven’t seen it all, and this is the chance to create a photo collection to showcase the best of our community. Take your cameras to the streets and show us your Stevens Square-Loring Heights!
Winner will receive a gift card to their favorite SS-LH business.
Email your submissions to or fill out this form.
Submissions due by 10pm on August 20th! Voting will take place from August 21st to August 27th. Check back for more details on voting!
Check out last year's submissions here: